2011 - Gas Power Plant Wartsila 48.6 MW with 5 x 20V34SG with Auxiliaries
Excellent condition gas power plant equipment made by Wartsila in 2011. It has also 4 x 3.7 MW/18 bar exhaust gas steam boilers with auxiliaries. The plant was operated till 2017 having total operating hours between 22’000 to 24’000 hours / engine. Wartsila Service has made all scheduled service for engines, last 24’000 hour service just prior the dismantling in 2021. Engines are controlled by modern UNIC engine control system.
SKU: 9272022
- Manufacturer
- Wartsila Finland Oy
- Manufacturer's type
- 5 x W20V34SG
- Made in year
- 2011
- Capacity
- 48.65 MWe/11kV/50Hz
- Application
- Base Load Eletric Power Production
- Steam production
- 4 x 3'730 kW / 18 bar / 360C
- Engines
- 5 x W20V34SG, running at 750 rpm
- Alternators
- 5 x AKV 12'162 kVA, 11 kV, 50 Hz, p.f. 0.8
- Last scheduled service
- 24'000 hour service by Wartsila
- Heat rate at alternators
- 8188 kJ/kWhe (44.0 %)
- Engine control system
- Status today
- Dismantled, in very good condition
Gas Power Plant Wartsila 48.6 MW with 5 x 20V34SG with Auxiliaries – 2011
Excellent condition gas power plant equipment made by Wartsila in 2011. It has also 4 x 3.7 MW/18 bar exhaust gas steam boilers with auxiliaries. The plant was operated till 2017 having total operating hours between 22’000 to 24’000 hours / engine. Wartsila Service has made all scheduled service for engines, last 24’000 hour service just prior the dismantling in 2021. Engines are controlled by modern UNIC engine control system. This means that gensets don’t need any upgrade of major service for future operation. After testing, all equipment, including cables, pipes and original equipment modules were professionally dismantled, packed for transportation and brought to a storage. Control cabinets are in warm warehouse, others in normal cold warehouse. More information for serious buyers